Sickness Absence Management Template Pack

£19.99 excl tax

The Sickness Absence Management Template Pack comprises crucial documents designed to streamline sickness absence management within workplaces: a comprehensive Sickness Absence Policy, a structured Return to Work Interview Form, and an organized Employee Sickness Absence Record Form.

Sickness Absence Policy:

  • What it is: The Sickness Absence Policy delineates the procedures and expectations governing employee absence due to illness.
  • When it is used: Employers utilize this policy to establish guidelines on reporting sickness, entitlements to sick pay, and the management protocol for handling sickness absences.
  • By whom: HR departments and managers implement and enforce this policy throughout the organization.

Return to Work Interview Form:

  • What it is: This form facilitates structured interviews with employees upon their return to work following sickness absence.
  • When it is used: It is employed immediately after an employee resumes work post-sickness absence to discuss the reasons for absence, ascertain any necessary support, and confirm the employee’s fitness to resume duties.
  • By whom: Managers and HR personnel administer this form to ensure consistent and supportive reintegration of employees.

Employee Sickness Absence Record Form:

  • What it is: This form serves as a record-keeping tool to document specifics of employee sickness absences.
  • When it is used: It is completed each time an employee is absent due to sickness, enabling HR departments to track absence patterns and manage related issues effectively.
  • By whom: HR departments maintain these records to ensure compliance with legal requirements and facilitate informed decision-making.

Legal Basis and Compliance:

  • These templates assist organizations in adhering to employment laws and regulations pertaining to sickness absence management.
  • Legal Base: Compliance requirements stem from employment legislation, necessitating employers to maintain fair and equitable practices in sickness absence management.
  • Potential Fines and Impositions: Non-compliance with statutory obligations may result in fines or legal proceedings. Such penalties can be enforced if employers fail to meet statutory sick pay obligations or mishandle sickness absence procedures.

By employing these templates, employers can ensure legal compliance, uphold fairness in employee treatment, and effectively manage sickness absences in the workplace.

The Sickness Absence Management Template Pack serves as a flexible form applicable across various situations. Delivered in Microsoft Word, it is crafted in straightforward language for effortless utilization and modification.


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